bureau for user experience & creative information technology
software boutique specialized in arts, archives, libraries.
20+ years of experience in developing user–centered solutions for the web and more
Projects & Services
Check out recent works: Stories - im Netz der Geschichte(n) [Schweizerisches Nationalmuseum] (2025), Bilder der Schweiz Online [Universität Zürich & Stiftung Familie Fehlmann] (2025), Villa Flora - Kunstmuseum Winterthur Visitor Guide (2024), ZHdK Experts, ZHdK Interne Weiterbildung, ZHdK Startup Finder, SRF Timelines (BOSW Public Value Silver 2021), ETH E-Periodica, e-Helvetica (SNL), Webarchive Switzerland (SNL), ZHDK fundingZ, Souvenir Suisse @ Kunstmuseum Winterthur (SFF)
UX, IT & Innovation
Rapid prototyping and proof of concepts
Spatial Interaction & Internet of Things
Combining User Experience (UX) and IoT Unity3D, Blender, Python, Arduino, RPi Souvenir Suisse @ Kunstmuseum Winterthur - Augmented Reality experience & interactive touch screens, on behalf of Stiftung Familie Fehlmann Owl control flxmas fLARe
Experience Design / Interactive Experiences
Contactless, gesture-driven interfaces Interactive Artist's books Firetrace Snowy Owls Snow Hares
UX and search
Integrated 360° search and preview e-Helvetica Access / Webarchive Switzerland
Customized high performance search solutions Kleinmeister Search
Visual Design
Designing the emotional aspect of user experience. e-Helvetica Access Bilder der Schweiz online (BSO) SICTIC Kleinmeister ETH e-periodica fintechday
Frontend Development
Lightweight, responsive and sustainable solutions, mobile hybrid solutions. Thomas Mann Archiv - Nachlassbibliothek ITI (International Team for Implantology) e-Helvetica Access Kleinmeister Search
UX / User Experience Design
From idea to team to prototype to development in iterative cycles. Brainstorming, design workshops, user journeys, personas, wireframes, expert reviews and interviews.
Customers (extract)
Abbott, Elektro-Material, ETH Zürich, ETH Library, ITI International Team for Implantology, Migros Genossenschaftsbund, mp technology, Schweizer Fernsehen SRF, Stiftung Familie Fehlmann, Swiss ICT Investor Club (SICTIC), Swiss National Library, University of ZurichContact
Kai Jauslin, NEXTENSION GmbH,
Dipl. Informatik–Ing. ETH & BA Industrial design ZHAW (with specialization in interaction design)
"I like the challenge. Complex interdisciplinary projects, innovative at the crossroad of user experience, design and information technology. Having both a degree in interactive design and computer science, I speak both languages. Often I serve as a mediator between the two worlds, trying to break existing boundaries."